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April 11, 2024 / Meredith

K = Kami

I’ve been gone so long I totally forgot about the April A-Z Challenge presented by WordPress. It’s a great way to get writing with just a wee bit of focus.

Too bad for you I’ve been writing nasty letters and negative things since I’ve been back. Sorry about that. And also, too bad for me I missed ten days of the challenge. So today I begin with K.

There’s someone I know named Kami. She’s smart, enthusiastic, and a vault of information (relevant information or not she’s got it). She built a fabulous family with her husband and looks after them, as well as her family of origin, with diligence, duty, love, and acceptance.

Kami, I am proud yet sheepish to say, is my rock when it comes to psychological feedback. She and I are on opposite ends of the pole, me being the kind who reacts with emotions, she being the kind who reacts with logic. I think we compliment each other very well, especially when it comes to issues we have to deal with together.

One thing I love about Kami is she’s been giving me advice and showing me by example how to react to life’s travails from a logical standpoint for years now. The older I get the more I can appreciate the value of taking a step back, assessing a situation, and not expressing my innate, gut, emotional response to everything that crosses my path. I’ve learned from her example and my experience that emotional responses are often regretted, because they trip the trigger to the mouth. I’m talking about losing shit in the heat of the moment. Oh the shit I’ve lost.

Kami has the patience of a saint but no tolerance for bullshit. She’s direct, but not cruel. She leads people in directions that make sense. She’s a valuable resource for people who want answers for just about anything. She loves fun and values friendships and is loyal to a fault. She’s got a smile and a personality that is enjoyed by many, including me.

It’s often that we only assess what others can do for us. In the case of Kami and me, I think we share an appreciation of how we can help each other when it comes to “dealing.” She has inquired more than once, “how do you see this situation from your standpoint?” She knows she’s less on the emotional scale than I am, and I can give her some insights on how I see and approach situations we have in common.

Yes, sometimes we knock heads. For the most part I think we’re a peach of a pair. Opposites attract. Different views from a person one respects are considered. She helps me and I help her.

All in all, Kami is one of my most favorite people on earth, and I’m so fortunate to have her in my life.

The End

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